Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Most Cooperative Butterfly

Have you ever tried to take photos of animals or insects?  It can be really hard.   It seems that the subject always moves just as I'm hitting the button to take the photo.  Well today I was fortunate to get a photo of the ever elusive "3rd Grader" Butterfly.   Wow, was I impressed at the colors and how still it was while I took several shots to get just the right picture.....

A big thank you to all the 3rd graders and their awesome teachers!!   We had a great time talking about blogs and generally just being creative.

The kids even made their own creations which I'm going to use to make a photograph collage butterfly.   You'll be seeing it posted very soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW that is one big butterfly. Did you have to climb a bookcase to get high even to take the photo?
