So my kids think that I'll never be able to do this. Create one butterfly every day for a year, no way. They think I'm nuts. Maybe I am, but why not give it a try?
I'm starting on this journey because I just read an awesome book 365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life! by Noah Scalin. Noah is the author of the Skull A Day blog and a creative genius. His idea is that with practice our creative energy will become second nature. Forcing yourself to create something every day for an extended period of time will encourage creativeness to come instinctively.
So I'm taking my love of nature to the extreme. I will create a butterfly every day for a whole year, yes that means until January 12, 2012 (maybe I should have started in December than it would be 12/12/12 --- cool).
I'm going to try to learn about and work with new media. Actually my kids have been supplying me with all kinds of ideas, in case I run out! At least I know that I have an audience.
So, here it is butterfly #1.
Who:Lori Knudtson Testa
Where:New Jersey
Good Luck,
Love ya,